A New Generation of Targeted Therapeutics for the Treatment of Cancer
NĒRx BioSciences Inc
Welcome to NĒRx Biosciences. We are dedicated to the discovery and development of targeted therapeutics for cancer. Formed in 2009, we specialize in the discovery and early development of novel biopharmaceutical compounds. We build our pipeline through both internal research and through collaboration with other discovery partners. Our focus is a new generation of cancer drugs that target specific cellular processes not currently being exploited as cancer therapies. Our business model is to identify and evaluate preclinical anti-cancer targets with the objective of developing small molecule inhibitors through the pre-clinical phase. This research will come primarily from our own lab but also through acquisition of orphan IP.
News & Events
CSO and co-founder of NERx, Dr. John Turchi, is spotlighted during the ChuckStrong campaign for cancer research. The innovative work being done in his academic lab at Indiana University School of Medicine in determining how to attack circulating tumor cells is recognized.
NERx publishes a paper highlighting DNA repair targeted therapies in the treatment of cancer. Click here to take a look at the paper.
Preliminary in-vivo studies reveal limited toxicity in animals with NERx-80 class of compounds targeting XPA.
The Indiana University Philanthropic Venture Fund has announced plans to invest $500,000 in an Indianapolis-based drug development company. Click here to take a look at the paper.
Our Hard Working Team We are a team of experienced professionals in the medical field, some with 20 years of experience, published papers, and Ph.D's, working together to create disease fighting cures...
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Targeting the DNA damage response One of the most effective chemotherapeutics used in the treatment of cancer continues to be the DNA damaging agent cisplatin. Pioneered by our Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Larry Einhorn...
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Development Our focus is a new generation of cancer drugs that target specific cellular processes not currently being exploited as cancer therapies. We can accomplish this through studies and...
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